Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Ottawa County > Report # 7275
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, October 29, 2003.
Mother and son find footprints in woods near Nunica
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YEAR: 1994
SEASON: Summer MONTH: July DATE: 16 STATE: Michigan COUNTY: Ottawa County LOCATION DETAILS: It was on my property in the back where theres a lot of woods. NEAREST TOWN: Nunica NEAREST ROAD: Maple Island Rd OBSERVED: We live in Ottawa County. Got 10 acreas here. When we first moved in I took my son out back.
Well I found some unusal tracks. I could smell something that the smell almost made me sick. I could hear grunting somewhere in the woods. I thought if I told anyone no one would belive me.
I was so scared I told my son come on lets get out of here. This happened back in 1994. To this day I have not been out back on my property. My son and I saw the tracks. They were big, not of a human. I live in a town called Nunica in Ottawa County. We have a lot of swamp like in the woods and a lot of woods.
The only thing is I did not see anything. Just heard grunting. I thought it was deer and seeing the tracks. ALSO NOTICED: Just heard grunting deeper in the woods. The smell, and the foot prints. We had seen a lot of branches broke. OTHER WITNESSES: My son also saw the tracks. OTHER STORIES: I didnt have any idea they were here in Michigan. Its enough to scare u. Weve been here 8 yrs. Since that day I have not been back out in the woods. TIME AND CONDITIONS: It happened in the day a lot of light it was a warm day. It was around 1-2 pm in the afternoon. ENVIRONMENT: We got a creek running thru our property. Then beyond it we have like beach sand. It was there by a big pine tree. It had not been raining, the foot prints were fresh.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:
I spoke with the witness by phone.
The witness stated that the odor was like there was a dead animal in the area. She also said that afterwards, she did hear rumors of other sightings within about five miles of her home.
She said that she found two footprints. The prints were estimated to be greater than twelves inches long and six inches wide. The tracks were very fresh looking and even though it was in a sandy area they were well defined.
About BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:
Stan Courtney has a special interest in wildlife audio recording. He has attended numerous BFRO Expeditions. See Stan's blog for recordings he has collected over the years.
Stan Courtney can be reached at [email protected]