DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Adams County > Report # 58703
Report # 58703  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, December 18, 2017.
Strange occurrences at a rural cabin near West Union causes owner to put it up for sale
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YEAR: 2017

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 17


COUNTY: Adams County

LOCATION DETAILS: Our cabin is near West Union in the woods and cant be seen from road. (Specific location details omitted due to ongoing investigation.)



OBSERVED: I have a small cabin built in the woods near West Union Ohio in Adams county. Spend usually each summer and fall there for a few nights each visit. On each night, we have heard howls and things/animals moving around cabin and finding our gear had been gone thru. No power and we usually sleep on the screened in porch. Never thought much of it. The last time we where there (June 2017), all heck broke loose. The first night we kept hearing things in the woods that sounded like children laughing/talking. Then at 2 am, we started hearing limbs break and pop. That was all around us. It ended after about 1 hour. The next night, at around 3 am, heard something in front of and out about 75 yards near the creek. Listened for a bit and then something let out a god awful howl and scream and ran towards us and then ran off in the woods breaking limbs. It was pitch black and didn't see whatever it was. The next morning we found numerous broken and down limbs but no prints. The canopy is thick and ground is covered with leaves/plants/moss and such. Did see a lot of trails and wore down areas all around. Found 1 huge tree snapped like a twig. We have never been back, Land and cabin is for sale now.

OTHER WITNESSES: Wife and myself.

OTHER STORIES: Havent heard.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2-3 am. 1st night right after rain shower. 2nd night clear and dry and dark in the thick woods.

ENVIRONMENT: Marsh land nearby,,,wooded (thick) with creek about 75 yards down the hill in front of the cabin. Hills and mountains ridges and valleys all around.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jonny Walker:

While speaking to the cabin owner, it was quite obvious by his voice that that night affected him greatly, reliving that night as he told me of the happenings that weekend. To hear things out in the woods is one thing, to hear something drag a tree branch along the side of the side of your cabin late in the night is another. The second night was worse, he said. The "little girls talking/giggling" sounds the first night gave way to growls, howls, and at one point a high pitched scream, which " Made my blood run cold..." Being set on a slight hill, the cabin sits on 4 X 4 posts on the porch side, looking over the yard. The footfalls of whatever came running up the hill, "Must have been really heavy, because we felt each stomp through the porch floor..." he said. "Then as it ran off to the right, I heard the snap of a tree breaking as loud as a shotgun going off."

I filmed the investigation of the property, and was intent on finding the tree or limb that had been broke. After about twenty minutes of looking, I found the limb. It was indeed 4 1/2 - 5 inches in thickness, and had broken in such a way that about 1/3 -1/4 of the limb had remained attached to the main trunk, allowing some of the limb to remain alive. Being able to reach the break with my fingers told me it to be 7 ft. off the ground. I gave the limb a thorough looking over and saw no evidence of human made damage. Most of the limb had the splitting/snapped look to the wood, and the rest of the limb/branches bore no rub marks that would have indicated a rope or cable been used to bring it down.The limb had broken where it met the main trunk, but not all the way through. Although I am no arborist, the broken limb was not in this condition due to storm damage, I surmised that due to the fact it is the ONLY limb broken on the tree, or any limbs in trees in the surrounding area.

Something that was completely strange was finding three squarish holes that had been dug in a row, in the middle of the woods. The owner of the cabin had no knowledge of their existence. Also found was deer hair, jawbone, skull, and smallish pieces of other bones. The hair was approximately 30 or so feet from the limb, the skull and small bones about 10-12 feet, while the jawbone was a mere 5 feet from the base of the tree.

Around the first weekend in this past May, the cabin owner's father-in-law stayed the night at the cabin and reported to the owner that he heard howls and screams that sounded like they came from down around the creek area.

About BFRO Investigator Jonny Walker:

Jon Walker is an avid outdoorsman and hunter. He works in the surveillance field. He has hiked across several U.S. National Parks and a few Manitoba Provincial Parks. He has seen and heard evidence of Sasquatches. Jon attended the 2017 and 2018 Kentucky Expeditions.

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