DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Fairfield County > Report # 51962
Report # 51962  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.
An ongoing array of audio recordings and multiple sightings in the heart of Fairfield County
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YEAR: 2016

SEASON: Summer


DATE: May 31 2016


COUNTY: Fairfield County

LOCATION DETAILS: My property in Fairfield county.



OBSERVED: Have seen him many times while on the road and I finally got a sound recording that was loud enough to record on my phone while in my house. We would hear it all the time but were never quick enough to get it recorded until recently.

ALSO NOTICED: My dogs stopped barking.

OTHER WITNESSES: Yes. My 14 year old son I have an audio recording.

OTHER STORIES: Yes have had a sighting. My ex girlfriend had one about 7 years ago about 3 miles away. I grew up here and my grandpa always told us the Clear Creek monster would get you if we go out at night. We never believed him until I was about 10 and we went coon hunting.


ENVIRONMENT: Woods, swamps, big trees, lakes, and our hunting grounds.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Bea Mills:

This report was done in cooperation with the landowner and myself, BFRO Ohio Investigator Marc DeWerth, Coyote, and some assistance by other fellow BFRO investigators. Thank you all for your much needed assistance.

Voicemail received from the witness to the BFRO on July 11, 2016, name and phone number omitted:

This is the recording that the witness mentions in his written report, captured by the witness from inside his home, on June 1, 2016, filtered:

His call was returned and investigators visited with the witness, he related the event that had occurred just 4 nights prior, which was the purpose of his phone call, and is as follows:

Witness and family were aroused from home while hearing very loud vocalizations presumably near-by outside their home, and states that believed sticks and other objects were being thrown at the house. Witness remarked that his hound dog was baying, the chickens squawking, and the guinea hens alarming. Upset by all this commotion, witness armed self with a side arm and a high powered rifle and went outside to check on the pullet pen, where he states that several of his pullets had been noticed missing over the last several weeks. (The area where the pullet pen is located has minimal ambient light from the 20 ft. tall farm lamp by the garage, the area is otherwise dark, and resides immediately behind a long, one and a half story utility garage. An unimproved driveway extends from his home to the garage doors.) Upon rounding the backside of this garage, the witness noticed a man figure bending over (a 6 ft. tall cattle fence) leaning into the pullet pen. He shouted to the man, thinking he was a poacher, and the figure stood up holding a chicken in each hand, who promptly turned towards the wood-line where a small single-trek path leads directly into a narrow finger of his property's hollow, still with the chickens in hand. The witness states that he quickly ran after him and kneeled down at the promontory of the high-ground, raised his rifle to look through his scope. He noticed that the bipedal figure had already started up the other side of the hollow, making its way to the opposing ridge. The witness states that as he was about to pull the trigger, aimed at the figure, he heard noise to his left and a large branch fell in front of him. He looked up, seeing nothing besides the new fallen branch (which, being in a wooded area, is not necessarily uncommon). Looking through his scope again, his target was now well on top of the opposing ridge looking at him. As he was close to pulling the trigger again, another noise was heard and a much larger part of a tree branch fell next to him- nearly hitting him. Then he heard loud, ground floor commotion coming at him quickly from both the left and right sides causing him to get up and run back to his house. The witness remarked to us that he felt like his life was in danger at this point, and immediately returned to the back garage (near the pullet pen) armed with a large caliber, high powered rifle and proceeded to open fire. He stated that he felt it was necessary in keeping the safety of his home and family, who had reportedly locked themselves (mother and two children) in the master bedroom during this episode. The witness stated that the figure had stepped in the middle of the small, slow moving stream at the bottom of the hollow finger, after having reviewed the area the following day, and commenced to showing us this single track. See photos:

The track was noticeable, however obvious water erosion was noted, and details had since been washed away. Photos and measurements were taken at this time. No cast was poured.

After speaking and meeting with us, the witness captured a recording the same evening from inside the home on July 11, 2016, here is a filtered version:

Initial investigation was concluded with pertinent follow-up, an exchange of phone numbers, and myself referenced as local point BFRO investigator, and Marc DeWerth as lead BFRO investigator. Affiliate BFRO Volunteer & tracker, Coyote, was present during initial investigation as well, who was able to track and support the witness' directional claims.

Photos from the initial investigation:

Inspecting the area of the chicken coop -

Scouring the hollow:

The trail that the thief ran down, from the top here in this photo, down toward the camera -

Closest nearby water source, other than the creek:

To follow-up this report as of 4/17/2018: A recording project was commenced mid-July 2016 deploying Tascam DR-05 hung between three various locations just inside witness' treeline at the top of the hollow, as well as adjacent target areas. Batteries and SD cards were changed nightly, and audio was reviewed as time allowed. A makeshift parabolic was used occasionally utilizing a mono external microphone crafted by BFRO Investigator, Charles Kimbrough, to attempt the capture of witnessed long-distance vocalizations. Two different recorders were also used, a Tascam DR-03 and DR-08 were deployed at other locations in attempts to narrow down the location of vocalizations. The two previous recorders were noted as being unreliable and the Tascam DR-05 was once again utilized as primary. July 2017 a new device was bought and tried, the Olympus, with a slave D cell, and implementing stereo microphones made by BFRO Investigator, Charlie Page. Suspended again in the same location for consistency, this new recorder has had efficient and effective results. Field trials were infallible. Audio has been being reviewed as time allows. Vocalizations on this property have been consistent with the witness' initial claims. Tapering off in November as the deciduous trees lose leaves and neighboring fields are plowed, and increasing with spring leafing, and as early as late February 2018. Noted peaks were during the pre and postdromal phase of the full moon.

During this extended period of research and investigation, we have received an additional 10 possible sighting reports from the immediate and surrounding area, from a multitude of unassociated neighbors, farmers and locals.There is a noted consistent theme of at least 3 creatures of various sizes being seen between 6 to 10ft in height. In addition, toward the beginning and duration of 2017, there have been multiple witness reports of two identical appearing, smaller sized (3 to 4ft. tall) juvenile creatures accompanied by a brownish-red colored female creature.

Aggressive behaviors have ceased since the poultry got cleaned out. They took or killed everything the witness had in the pen, so the family gave up and took it down.

We will update as this report continues.

About BFRO Investigator Bea Mills:

Bea Mills is an avid outdoors woman currently working in the medical field. A Certified Volunteer Naturalist for Ohio, primarily in the Hocking Hills region, and promoter of education and conservation of natural areas in Ohio.

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