DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Arkansas > White County > Report # 50541
Report # 50541  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, December 28, 2015.
Motorist has a close sighting at dusk on AR-258 outside Bald Knob
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YEAR: 2015

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

DATE: 28

STATE: Arkansas

COUNTY: White County

LOCATION DETAILS: Going north on 67/167 take the second Bald Knob exit, turn left and go under over pass, then turn left onto Hwy 258, about two miles down in the curve.

NEAREST TOWN: Bald Knob/Judsonia


OBSERVED: Around 5pm I was driving down hwy 258 to go to the store. We have had some recent flooding so I was driving slower than normal and watching for deer. Along the way I seen 2 different area of deer, one had 3 I could see the other there was at least 6. So on the way back from the store I knew to slow down in those areas just in case. In one area it is a rather sharp curve and I had seen the most deer there. As I came up on the curve I slowed down and suddenly something jumped out in front of the car!!! I'll call it a "he from here out." He seem to have been running from the pine tree line and took a, what I would call a leap, out onto the road then he was gone. It was only 1 maybe two steps on the road it's self to clear it! I had slammed on the brakes and just sit there in awe wondering if I really seen what I had. He was standing on two legs, lots of fur and what I would assume Is at least 8 foot tall. When he jumped in front of the car he was about a car length in front of me. He looked to have had a large fish in his hand. I know how that sounds but I swear it was a long fish. My husband said it may have been a stick but I'm a country girl and I know my fish! His "fur" was longer than what bear fur would be and although he was dark brown it had a reddish hue to it, the headlights gave s good look at the color as it leaped across. There is a lake back behind where he was running from but he also jumped across to the right where those 6 plus deer were standing.

We are going back at first light to see if he left foot prints. It's so muddy I'm hoping to see some. We hear sounds out here almost nightly of what we describe as big foot sounds but I've honestly never thought they was out here. It is just sounds you can't describe, so we call it bigfoot sounds. I've had several friends and family hear them and one of them will not stay outside long out here because she's heard it so much.

When I got home my husband came to the door to help bring stuff in and ask what was wrong, I said the deer are out bad and he asked if I hit one, I said no and he asked why was I shaking.

I didn't realize my whole body was still shaking! LoL I started telling him and I had tears rolling down, heart pounding and still shaking so bad. It really shook me up so much. Not sure what else to say. It was one of the most amazing yet scariest things I've ever seen. I know I will not sleep tonight due to thinking about it and what exactly happened.


OTHER STORIES: We live just up the road and hear "them" all the time. My husband thought he seen a small one on one of his walks.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around 5:30 and dusk. It was just dark enough to need headlights. It has rained a lot recently and there is flooding throughout the state. The lake close to where he was has a creek that is flowing well
When it normally doesn't.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine trees and woods on both sides of hwy, a lake back behind the area and ponds on the other side of road. There is a lot of deer and small animals in the area along with cows, farms, homes and a hwy.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:

Here is a Google Earth map of the area:

The witness stated that it was getting dark, she didn't need her headlights yet but they were on, traveling around 40mph. The biped appeared to have already been running when it crossed her path, coming from the Northeast or Lake Bald Knob, it did not stop or slow down. She got a side view and it did not look toward her. She and her husband discussed the height when the two of them returned to the location the next day, her husband stood in front of car and she would back-up until it seemed right. Estimated height determined at 8 feet. It had rained all night, they were unable to find any tracks, they couldn't even find deer tracks, and she had seen many deer in the area the day before.

She described the subject as really big and bulky, she could tell it was really wide, even when seeing it from the side. Using the word "Fur" didn't seem right to her because it appeared to be more like long, shaggy hair.

I asked her to describe the "fish". She states, "I'm pretty sure he had a fish in his hand, I grew up fishing my whole life, that is what we do." She said the "fish" appeared to be about 18 inches long, she could see the tail, and it was being held around its upper body by the biped's hand, "like you would grab a coke can". The witness stated that when it floods like it was on this day, a running creek with mini waterfalls forms off of Lake Bald Knob and you can just stick your hands out and catch fish. Also, the gates are locked during the winter months so people can't get back there.

The witness and her family live about five miles from this location. They hear "lots of those whoops and hollers" at their home. After these sounds, the coyotes will start going crazy. The sounds were so close and loud one night, their dog which is a Red Heeler started acting strange yipping and wanting to enter the home. Coyotes do not cause her to do this.

Here is a possible "whoop" recorded on the husband's phone -


Their home sits on @ 40 acres next to a cattle farm. The farmer will often come looking for escaped cows or missing calves. Its always assumed that the coyotes take the missing newborn calves. There is another nearby farm that grows a variety of fruit on hundreds of acres. There is something growing at all times of the year including grapes, pumpkins and blackberries.

They spend a lot of time watching the local wildlife, lots of deer, turkey, fox, rabbits, and they have found cougar tracks. The wildlife enjoy the many oak trees, alfalfa and hay fields, and the big pond in the backyard.

Nearby is Riverside Park, where the husband and his friends used to explore the caves as teenagers. They would often have big rocks thrown at them, they would always try and find out what was happening, one time they thought they saw a bear. Another time they were on the Little Red River in Searcy exploring. Her husband and friends were trying to see something that appeared to be hiding behind a tree, before they could figure it out a rock was thrown at them almost hitting her husband. A few of them ran off but when some of them didn't, an even larger rock came at them making them all run.

About BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:

  • Worked as an Assistant to a Circuit Court Judge in Florida for thirteen years
  • An avid outdoorswoman, growing up in the UP of Michigan on a family-owned fishing and hunting resort
  • Certified Visual Tracker, Level 1
  • Attended and assisted with numerous public and private BFRO expeditions
  • She and the Florida BFRO organized South Florida Expedition 2008, North Florida Expedition 2008 and Central Florida Expedition in 2009.
  • She and the Michigan BFRO organized the Lower-Michigan Expedition in 2011, Michigan UP Expeditions in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 and Wisconsin 2018
  • BFRO Secretary for almost 20 years

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