DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > Ontario > Report # 18375
Report # 18375  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, March 25, 2007.
Witness and his girlfriend hear strange sounds near Magnetawan
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YEAR: 2004

SEASON: Summer




LOCATION DETAILS: about 20 minute drive from Magnetawan on the Old Nippising Hwy south (Around I think the lakes name is "dead Man's" lake

NEAREST TOWN: Magnetawan

NEAREST ROAD: Old Nippising Hwy. (not a hwy. anymore)

OBSERVED: My girlfriend at the time, and her family, and I went camping off of the Old Nippising Hwy. in Magnetwan Ontario. We arrived at our camp site and started camping for the weekend. The first night was nice and quiet. On the following evening, around 9-10 pm, as it was getting dark, we started to hear what everyone thought was either a wolf or a coyote. The sound was very clear. After listening for a few minutes I could tell it wasn't either a wolf or coyote, and could tell that some of the others knew too.

None of us made a big deal about it at the time. When we arrived back at the ex-girlfriends parents home the next day, I went on the Internet and started to listen to sound clips of Northern Ontario wildlife. When I could not find a sound clip that came close. The ex-girlfriend's step-dad made a comment like "maybe it was big foot," so we listened to recordings on the BFRO web site. The Missisippi 2004 recording is the closest sound clip that I can find that sounds similar, though what we heard was much louder. I have continued to look for other sound clips that are closer matches, but that howl recording from Mississippi in 2004 is still the closest.

OTHER WITNESSES: ex-girlfriend and her parents

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9 to 10 pm just as it was getting dark

ENVIRONMENT: Northern Ontario

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness said it occurred about 09:00 - 09:30 pm and went on for about a half hour.

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