DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Mason County > Report # 1567
Report # 1567  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Jr. Morris on Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
Hikers find a large track
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YEAR: 1996

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 14

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Mason County

LOCATION DETAILS: North Fork of the Skokomish River.


NEAREST ROAD: Skokomish Valley Rd.

OBSERVED: Found a fresh footprint approximately 18" or so long, and about 8" across maybe? I have photographs and witnesses.

ALSO NOTICED: Lot's of noise up the hill from us in the underbrush. We thought that perhaps it was a herd of Elk.. It may have been.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just walking along the river, enjoying the area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:00 pm... The weather was sunny, it had rained that morning, the ground was sort of muddy, however there was a high degree of definition.

ENVIRONMENT: Medium density old growth forest. Approximatley 60 feet from the river. Area is populated with Alder, Fir, and Maple trees, with various and assorted shrubbery.

A & G References: Pg. 61, B7

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